
Welcome to our 8 week course for teens, age 11-18 years, where we will go over strategies of mental wellbeing in small bite size chapters.

Who am I?

My name is Tone Tellefsen Hughes, and I am a chiropractor, presenter and co-founder of the Green Hub Project for Teens. I have worked with teens for over 30 years and been teaching and creating workshops for teens since 2015.

Understanding the adolescent brain and capacity is a passion for me, and sharing this with teens is part of this work. I believe that adolescence is a time for huge development and growth, and when we can understand ourselves better, we can find an easier path during this time.

Together with my fellow trustees, Vanessa Lanham Day, and Anthea Cooke, we have created this course for you.

About the course

  • The aim of this course is to give you the science of why we behave the way we do when we get overwhelmed, and also what we can do to counter act this. You may find several strategies that will work for you, and you may just find that one is helpful.

  • It has also been created to help you find out about you, and your unique strengths. We hope that after working with this course you will have more insight about yourself and your own strengths.
  • These are life skills and strategies, and people of all ages can find these skills useful. We would have loved if this could have been known to us when we were teenagers.

What’s involved with following this programme?

We will send you a short video each week, and a work sheet to have alongside the presentation. We highly recommend that you read this straight after doing the video and fill in the reflective questions for yourself, as this can really help to strengthen the learning.

Each chapter will have a different concept where we will discuss studied and scientific information about how our brain work, how we think, and how we can get overwhelmed. Most importantly we will work on strategies which you can put in your tool kit for managing every day challenges whether you are going to school or college, or studying at home.

Feedback to us

We really want this course to be the very best in helping you and other teens. So, we’d be very grateful if you could help us know how you are finding the course and anything we need to change or improve on to help you and others.

We’ll ask you for some feedback in a questionnaire – don’t worry it will be totally confidential – half way and at the end of the course


  • What we want to encourage you to do is to give this a go!
  • To try to stretch a little out of your comfort zone and give this a try.
  • Then practice what we worked on that following week so it sinks in.

These are skills, and skills are only skills when practiced over and over again. We create neural pathways of skills by repetition, so when you find one which works for you, keep at it to create a stronger neural pathway. And be kind to yourself, skills only work by trying, failing and then trying again. This is the key to learning in life.

What is important is that you open up to exploring new things and just give it a go. And as the course shares, have fun whilst you do it.

Thank you all for joining us, we really hope you will find this interesting.

Tone Tellefsen Hughes, Vanessa Lanham-Day and Anthea Cooke


This course has been created purely for supportive and educational purposes, and is not a replacement of seeing a medical practitioner. If you feel that you are struggling, we recommend that you speak to your parents, and or contact a medical doctor or mental health practitioner to support you.