Green Teens – info for parents

Let us tell you more about how this programme might be able to help your son or daughter. 

    • Green Teens offers nature-based mental wellbeing programmes to teens and pre-teens (10-18) facing low to moderate social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) challenges.
    • Described as social and therapeutic gardening, it gives stressed, anxious and neuro-diverse teens the chance to experience the calming effect of nature, benefiting their mental wellbeing.
    • The programme runs several weekly session options across our  various locations.
    • The goal is to improve their mental wellbeing via  horticultural and craft activities, which will help them develop better coping strategies to assist with their mental health.
    • The programmes are all underpinned by the evidence-based ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ – see more details below.
    • All our programmes are FREE, and do not depend on your teen having an EHCP.
    • We can normally fit your teen onto a programme within 1 to 3 weeks. 


    Two core programmes

    • Green Teens – at Caroline’s Garden on Saturdays (Milford) is aimed at young people attending school, and is delivered at weekends in 12 x 1.5 hour sessions, with the potential to extend for up to 6 weeks.


    • Green Teens Plus – at Hydons Flower Farm midweek  (Hydestile) is aimed at young people not able to attend school as the result of their SEMH challenges. It is delivered on midweek days (currently Tuesdays & Thursdays) in 12 x 2 hour sessions, with the potential to extend for up to 6 weeks. This programme has the potential to be accepted by schools as ‘alternative provision’ and hence can count towards attendance.

    Useful info

    • There are a maximum of 10 teens in each session and there are at least 3 adult volunteers supporting teens. 
    • As the adults in the garden are volunteers, it is not guaranteed to be the same volunteer each week, however, they are all empathetic, kind and trained in supporting young people, they also have a genuine interest in gardening.
    • All our volunteers have received Enhanced DBS checked, as well as having Safeguarding and other relevant training. At least one adult will be first aid trained – usually more. 
    • We invite teens and parents to engage in giving us feedback before, during and after the programme. This is vital if we are to evaluate the effectiveness of the programmes, as well as being necessary for funding purposes. Put simply, funders want to be sure that what we are doing is making a difference. 
    • We have lots of case stories from past parents and teens and you might want to take a look at ‘What Parents Say and What Teens Say.

    The FIVE ways to well-being

    The benefits of spending time volunteering with Green Teens are all based on the concept known as The Five Ways to Wellbeing. Each of these is proven to help you improve your wellbeing – and the HUGE advantage of the Green Teens is that it delivers on all FIVE! 

    • Connect
      • Connecting with others can help us feel close to people, and valued for who we are.
    • Be Active
      • Studies have shown that getting active can help you sleep better, improve your mood, and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and racing thoughts.
    • Take Notice
      • Take some time to enjoy the moment and the environment around you.
    • Keep Learning
      • Feeling like you’re learning and developing can boost your self-esteem.
    • Give
      • There’s been lots of research about the positive benefits of taking part in social and community life. Volunteering with Green Hub counts! 

    The 5 Ways to Wellbeing were developed by the New Economics Foundation, and they’re based in evidence and research and are supported by Mind and other leading mental health organisations.


Refer your teen here>>

“There was a contentment about her. She seemed at ease and loved recounting the day’s tasks. There was a sense of accomplishment and an air of excitement, even, about the projects they were working on. She adored the creativity and learnt a lot. The variety of tasks were incredibly immersive. She could lose herself and be completely present – and, importantly, she could be herself.”

Parent 1

“Once he started the sessions, he told us “All the people were very nice, and if you messed up, you don’t feel pressure”. He loved the Arts and crafts and all the plants and he loved taking things home – his favourite thing were the pumpkins. After the sessions he was calm, content and even more chatty in the car on the way back! He told us that Green Hub helped him move forward, and even look for a Saturday job, which he now has!”

Parent 2

“Once he joined the Green Hub programme, he was happy to go to the sessions, which for him is highly unusual as he usually refuses to engage with anything new or new people. After the sessions, he seemed more relaxed – he was proud of the things he grew and brought home (especially proud of the pumpkin he carved). As a result, he is now no longer taking anti-depressants. He still has his ups and downs, but has the satisfaction of knowing that he stuck with something for 12 weeks and gave it his full commitment. He has began talking to people again.”

Parent 3
Refer your teen here>>