Our Parent Hub support group…
Is your teenager struggling?
Do you feel alone and lost?
We recognise how hard it can be when one of your teens is struggling with mental health, emotional or other anxiety-inducing issues. The impact this can have on you and the whole family can be devastating.
Which is why we want to give you a safe space where you can talk with other parents and people dealing with the same situation.
The sessions will include useful information that will help you understand your teen better. Run by an experienced professional facilitator, they also include valuable time to simply listen, share, laugh and cry.
- Our Parent Hub meetings are held face-to-face in Milford, near Godalming, as well as online, via Zoom.
- These are two separate sessions – choose one or the other.
- These are two separate sessions – choose one or the other.
- The face-to-face sessions are monthly on a Wednesday from 7pm to 8.30pm – we will send you all the info you’ll need to get there and get parked easily
- The sessions are FREE, though we do invite you to make a donation if you wish
- By signing up here, it means that we can let you know about each monthly Parent Hub meet up, and give you a chance to reserve your place
Enter your details below…
We will add you to our list and let you know when the next Parent Hub session is coming up.
Upcoming dates Milford…
- Wednesday 12th February, 7pm to 8.30pm
School related Anxiety – Angie Hemmings
- Wednesday 12th March, 7pm to 8.30pm
Sibling relationships and mental health – Sue Goodfellow
Upcoming dates Online…
- Tues 28th January, 7pm to 8.30pm
The importance of boundaries in building and maintaining positive relationships – Lucille Ellis Jones
Much more empowered…
“I just wanted to say thank you for the school anxiety session this evening. I was the one in the room who blubbed (!) and while I might not have said that much, just listening to other parents talk about their challenges and hearing them echo the thoughts that have been building up inside my head has made me feel so much more empowered.
“I know that I have the right to advocate for my child and that their mental health and welfare comes before any school attendance target. And hearing from other people who have been through the same things has given me so much confidence. So thank you.” A parent.
Lonely, scared and desperate…
“One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do is support our 11yr old daughter during a mental health crisis. Being thrown into something we had no experience of, with limited support available to her, let alone us, as parents, we were left isolated, lonely, scared & desperate.
“As days turned into weeks, weeks into months, & months into years, every day continues to be a fight for services & support. We’re exhausted, in constant survival mode. The best support for me comes from likeminded families who (sadly) have similar lived experience. Having a safe space where I can talk, cry, vent & share is invaluable.
“Living with someone who suffers with mental ill health can be suffocating & debilitating but, as parents, the best way we can support our children during their darkest times, is to put on our own oxygen masks before theirs, which is why parental support groups can be such a lifeline.” A parent.