Key roles that might interest you

Whether it’s one of these, or something else you’d be interested in doing with us, your first step is to complete our simple volunteer application form and we will be in touch with you to discuss the options.

Garden Leaders & Garden Assistants>>
Support Volunteers>>

Apply here>>

Garden Leaders and Garden Assistants

Getting teens working in the Green Hub Garden is fundamental to the project.
At their sessions, groups of up to teens are supported by garden enthusiast adult volunteers. Sessions are led by a Garden Leader, who ideally needs to have a reasonable knowledge of horticulture, along with at least two adult Garden Assistants, who need to be interested in gardening (though not necessarily super experienced), as well as keen to help teens.
The adult Garden Team members are not expected to counsel or advise teens but, in providing a safe, low-stress environment with a focus on nature and group purpose, we hope that teens will naturally open up, chat with each other and find support in our community. They may just prefer to ‘be’, which is absolutely fine too. That said, you’ll definitely need to have a real interest in young people, as well as loads of empathy.
The sessions are currently on Saturday and Thursday mornings, although you aren’t asked to attend every week; we have a team, meaning that you are asked to commit to approx two sessions per ‘half term’, although we do understand that holiday and work commitments mean that this isn’t always possible. 
Garden Co-ordinators and Managers
Pulling everything together for our Teen Garden sessions involves a lot of planning and prep, as you can imagine. Our philosophy is that we can get a lot of people doing a little, no one person becomes overwhelmed. If you have some time mid-week to help plan craft projects, plan some of the garden activities, or support the overall running of the process, we are delighted to know more about your skills and interest. Tell us on the online application form. 
Application date – ongoing

Support Team

Not everyone has the ability to commit to set times – eg, as required by being Teen Garden Volunteer – but they are still keen to help in some way. Green Hub has been incredibly lucky in that pretty much all the support and admin is done by volunteers, all doing what they can, when they can. Everyone has unique skills, and we are interested to know what yours are. 

We are still very much in our growing stages and our volunteer requirements are continually developing. So, if you like the sound of what we do and are keen to join our team, make contact and we can often develop a role to fit your skills. We have a whole range of requirements that fit under the ‘marketing’ banner, and others that are admin and operational. 

Ideally you need to be able to offer 2 to 4 hours a week and be reasonably IT literate and well organised. All roles are working from home to own timescales / availability.

These are the specific roles we are recruiting for at present, but please do still apply, even if these aren’t for you. We hate saying NO and can usually find something that would suit you. You may be able to offer something we haven’t even thought of yet! 

    • Evaluation support – evaluation is super important to us, and we work hard to get feedback from teens, parents and volunteers. Pulling together the information is really important, and we could really do with some help with this. There aren’t huge volumes of data – we aren’t that big (yet!). But it does need someone with good IT and spreadsheet skills to make sense of what’s being fed back to us. We use these reports to support our fundraising, as well as feeding back to the referral community on the effectiveness of our programmes. 

Application date: ASAP (posted May 2024)

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