Inclusion criteria for teenagers:
In order to become part of the Green Hub, teenagers must…
- Be aged between 11-18 years.
- Experience short or long-term mild to moderate anxiety and or depression, stress-related disorders, insomnia, feelings of social isolation or loneliness, and are not benefiting from clinical medicine and drug treatment.
- Be in good physical health. But if they have a medical condition such as diabetes, or suffer with any serious allergies e.g. bee/wasp stings, or allergies to certain plants, they need to bring their Epi pen, inhalers or medication to the garden and let the garden volunteers know. We are strictly nut free and non-smoking.
- Not have any history of violence towards others.
All teens will be called Green Hub Teen Volunteers and their reasons for attending the garden will not be known. No-one should feel ‘defined by their illness, circumstances or condition’.
GP, School and Agency referrals:
We encourage GPs, Schools and specialist agencies working with young people to contact the parents/carers of pupils whom they feel may benefit of horticultural garden therapy as offered by the Green Hub and explain the benefits and the parent referral procedure (see below):
If you prefer, we have a separate online referral process that you can use:
Form for GP & Professional Referrals here>>
Parent referral procedure:
Form for Parent Referrals here>>
- Sign up via the page above.
- You will then be contacted by our one of our team for an initial conversation about suitability.
- If it is mutually agreed that your child would benefit from therapeutic horticulture, we will invite you and your child to visit the garden together; it is important that your child makes the decision to become part of the Green Hub Teen Garden.
- If you are already in conversation with your GP about the issues your child is experiencing, we generally recommend that you chat with your GP to get their thoughts on suitability
- You will be contacted by our Volunteer Manager to confirm all arrangements – programme dates, times, access etc.
- You will also be sent a Green Hub Teen Welcome Pack and Volunteer Agreement – this needs to be signed and dated by at least one parent/guardian/foster parent or carer and the child.
- Where appropriate we recommend you send a copy of the Agreement to your GP or their School Link Worker.
- Agreement forms must be returned prior to the first session.